Warrior Pokémon (Legendary) #889
- 92HP
- 120Attack
- 115Defense
- 80S-Atk
- 115S-Def
- 138Speed
Pokédex • Pokémon #889 • Zamazenta
Pokémon Description
In times past, it worked together with a king of the people to save the Galar region. It absorbs metal that it then uses in battle.
This Pokémon slept for aeons while in the form of a statue. It was asleep for so long, people forgot that it ever existed.
Pokémon Type
Pokémon Details
- Height9' 6''
- Weight463 lbs.
- GenderMale or Female
Dauntless-ShieldBoosts the Pokémon’s Defense stat the first time the Pokémon enters a battle.